As so often happens, on account of the busy schedules of certain interested participants, the annual Humboldt birthday celebration in Melbourne this year was planned for Tuesday, 23rd September, rather than 14th. In mid-August, my wife, Jill, noticed an advertisement in The Age for a new restaurant called Munich Brauhaus which was about to open in Docklands. With such a name, I thought this would be an ideal venue for our annual celebration. So I made a booking for the night which suited those with whom I had initially consulted. The usual notice went out to the Victorian membership list and a date set for the confirmation of numbers with the new restaurant. Alas, when I telephoned on that date I was told that the Munich Brauhaus does not open on a Tuesday night and that the person who had taken my booking was no longer in employment at the restaurant.
Mild panic! An immediate telephone call to my good friend, Roger, Manager at the Swiss Club in Flinders Lane, Melbourne, a few urgent telephone calls plus a couple of emails, and all was solved.
As you can judge from the photograph, the celebration was enjoyed by the usual relatively small number. There were a few apologies, perhaps on account of the imminent Humboldt Kolleg/Joint Symposium between our Association and the Royal Society of Victoria, entitled Celebration of German Contributions to Australian Science and Victorian Scientific Institutions β Past and Present (1st-3rd October, 2014). But our Treasurer, Professor Gary Bryant and his wife, Siham, were delighted that they could again share a Fondue, and the usual exchanges concerning recent social travels, conferences and research results, over mostly Swiss but partly Southern German dishes, resulted in a most enjoyable evening.
Our thanks were due to Roger for accommodating us again at the Swiss Club, but this time at such short notice.

Victorian celebration of Humboldts birthday, at the Swiss Club, Melbourne, Tuesday, 23rd September, 2014.
Back Row (LR): John Nelson, Gabrielle McMullen, Jill Finlayson, Jared Cole, Gary Bryant, Robin Hill
Front Row (LR): Jiami Zhang, Siham Bryant, Trevor Finlayson